Books by Kim Wilson
At Home with Jane Austen
“I shall be very glad to see you at home again, and then...who will be so happy as we?”—Jane Austen
The perfect companion to her novels, At Home with Jane Austen is a gorgeous tour of Jane Austen's life and homes. The fascinating story of the life of the author of Pride and Prejudice is accompanied by lush, beautiful photos and historic images of Jane Austen sites at Chawton Cottage in Hampshire, Bath, London, Lyme Regis, Southampton, Kent, her childhood village of Steventon, Winchester, and the other places she visited in England.
"#1 Non-Fiction Austen-Inspired Title of 2014: A perfect combination of detailed research, engaging prose, and exquisite illustrations." Austenprose
"Evokes the charm of a Jane Austen novel with lively prose . . . . An enchanting biographical sketch." Library Journal
Tea with Jane Austen
Sit down with Jane Austen and join her in a cup of tea! Tea with Jane Austen shares the history of English tea and reveals Jane Austen as an avid tea lover. Tea figures prominently in Jane Austen's life and work. At the center of almost every social situation in her novels one finds tea. In Emma, does Miss Bates drink coffee? Of course not: 'No coffee, I thank you, for me-never take coffee.-A little tea if you please.' In Pride and Prejudice, what is one of the supreme honors Mr. Collins can envision Lady Catherine bestowing on Elizabeth Bennet and her friends? Why, drinking tea with her, naturally.
Tea with Jane Austen begins with tea drinking in the morning and ends with tea in the evening, at balls and other gatherings. Each chapter includes a description of how tea was taken at a particular place or time of day, along with history, recipes, excerpts from Austen's novels and letters and illustrations from the time.
"Tea, social history, and English author Jane Austen—Kim Wilson’s delicious little book will instruct and amuse fans of any or all three. . . . Highly recommended."
Tea: A Magazine
"Top pick. A delicious little book. . . . enlivened with anecdotes about Austen’s personal life, excerpts from her many novels, and scandalous tidbits about tea smuggling . . . the perfect accompaniment to any of Austen’s books.” — Christian Science Monitor
In the Garden with
Jane Austen
In the Garden with Jane Austen brings Georgian and Regency gardens to life with an illustrated tour of English gardens, from tiny cottage gardens, to the gardens of the grand estates, to the gardens Jane Austen herself knew and loved - and reveals the secrets to making your own Jane Austen garden!
"Wonderfully informative, full of detail, illustrated with ravishing photographs - a must for any Austen fan."
Andrew Davies, screenwriter, Pride & Prejudice and Sanditon
"A charming book, full of interesting snippets and comment, expounding on the references to gardens in the Austen novels, and discussing the sort of outdoor scenes Jane would have known... A pretty book which would make a delightful gift."
House & Garden